Following Jesus, Growing Together, Sharing God's Love with Neighbors Near and Far

La Verne Heights Presbyterian Church

Laird Hall Task Force Report

Summary of the Laird Hall Task Force and the other Statistics from the Laird Hall Task Force

The following two documents summarize the report and conclusions of the Laird Hall Task Force, as well as the responses to the congregational and group surveys.




Thank you for the hard work done on this consideration! Too bad we couldn’t have been working while no one is there, right? lol
Please keep in mind the groups who use the current storage in Laird. These are important ministries and they do use those storage areas.

I think that #2, medium gathering for 50-100 people, and #3, large gathering for congregational events, are both very important. #1, small gathering rooms for 10-30 people is important. I think that a remodel would be okay if we have an architect that can best design and utilize the Halls space. But I do think it wise to check the price between new construction and updating and remodeling the existing hall. With new wiring, electronics, plumbing, heating/air-conditioning, etc. we might be surprised. We have made due and patched for so many years, a fresh start may be the way to go.

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