Following Jesus, Growing Together, Sharing God's Love with Neighbors Near and Far

La Verne Heights Presbyterian Church

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities: Interim Church Office Administrator

Thank you for your interest in seeking out employment at La Verne Heights Presbyterian Church.  Please download the application and job description of your choice.  Once you have completed the application you may scan and return your documents to include:

  1. Cover Letter  
  2. Completed application 
  3. Resume 
  4. Photocopy of your driver’s license or legal identification
  5. Your brief testimony of how you came to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

To:  Patricia Guild at:
Or by the U.S. Postal Service to the LVHPC Church, 1040 Baseline Rd, La Verne, CA  91750,  Attention:  Patricia Guild

Current Opportunities

No opportunities at the present time