Following Jesus, Growing Together, Sharing God's Love with Neighbors Near and Far

La Verne Heights Presbyterian Church

LVHPC Giving

Donations to LVHPC can be made by mail, text, or online

Donations to the One Great Hour of Sharing Special Offering
can be made through the PC(USA) Special Offerings Website

There is a “Give Now” button in the middle of the page

Please note “La Verne Heights Presbyterian Church” in the box at the bottom of the giving form.

Donations to LVHPC

Donations to the church can be mailed to
La Verne Heights Presbyterian Church
1040 Baseline Road
La Verne, CA 91750

[The church is still receiving mail but due to closures and safety measures the processing of donations will be slower.]

Donations can be made on your smartphone by texting an amount to 84321

Click on the link and search for “La Verne Heights” (first time only)
Enter your banking, debit or credit card information. (first time only)

Donations can be made online

Thank you very much for your support