Connecting Online
Hello LVHPC family,
So much has changed in a week. I hope you, your family, and your neighbors are well. I want to update you on a few things related to the ministry of La Verne Heights Presbyterian Church.
As we scramble to figure out how to be church during this pandemic, I’ve been thinking about our mission statement: Following Jesus. Growing together. Sharing God’s love with neighbors near and far. I believe our mission statement can guide us as we live toward hope.
Following Jesus.
“Pajama” Church Online is coming this Sunday! We’re working to add some new features to the service. More information will be coming to you as these features become available. Check the website for updates.
Growing together.
Community sure doesn’t look like it used to! We are very blessed to have so many technological resources available to us as we settle into our homes in an attempt to help flatten the curve of this virus. We are currently exploring ways to facilitate connection and community online: including online Life Groups and prayer meetings.
In addition, we could all benefit from a healthy dose of community fun. To that end, we’ll be hosting two movie nights: one on Wednesday evenings for kids and the other on Friday evenings for adults. More information will be coming in a separate email.
Lastly, I am going to be sending a weekly email asking for any prayer requests you may have. I’ll be compiling the requests and submitting them to the church family so that we can be praying for each other. More information will be coming in a separate email.
Sharing God’s love with neighbors near and far.
We are still exploring how to care for our community. I will keep you posted as information and plans develop. In the meantime, I encourage you to continue to reach out to your neighbors and friends. Check-in on each other, and if you hear of a need you are unable to meet, please reach out to me. We’ll be doing everything we can to be good neighbors in the weeks ahead.
Session is meeting weekly as we seek to discern a faithful response to this situation.
I have taken great comfort remembering that God is in control. I’m reminded specifically of the first question of the Heidelberg Catechism–one of our denomination’s confessions.
Question 1: What is your only comfort
in life and in death?
Answer: That I am not my own,
but belong–
body and soul,
in life and in death–
to my faithful savior,
Jesus Christ.
He has fully paid
for all my sins
with his precious blood,
and has set me free
from the tyranny of the devil.
He also watches over me
in such a way
that not a hair can fall
from my head
without the will
of my Father in heaven;
in fact, all things
must work together
for my salvation.
Because I belong to him,
Christ, by his Holy Spirit
assures me of eternal life
and makes me
willing and ready
from now on
to live for him.
Grace and peace to you!
Pastor Jonathan
1 Comment
Love all the ideas to keep us connected and uplift our spirits. Thank you.